Error log: 1. subregionální závod 2014

Station: OK5T
Locator: JO70BK
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OK5T 59 039 JO70BK OK1KUB 59 014 JN78GK (1x)
JN78GX (32x)
CALL no log -225
OK5T 59 090 JO70BK S57Q 59 168 JN76PA (4x)
JN76PB (log)
Y all -499
OK5T 59 116 JO70BK DL0OB 59
122 JO50MA Y all but RST -225
OK5T 599 147
JO70BK DK2ZF/P 599
050 JO43WJ Y CALL+WWL -440
OK5T 59 152 JO70BK OE6V59 154 JN76VQ DDUPE -0
OK5T 599 163 JO70BK HA5OO 599 076
JN97OM Y all but NR -493
OK5T 599 205 JO70BK PA4EME 599 000 JO20WX RNZ -584
OK5T 59 238 JO70BK DL2HBQ 59 040 JO53KV NIL
Y -444
Description of other errors:
RNZ = Received number is zero
NIL = Not in the log
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 64435
Sum of lost points: -2910
Corrected score: 61525
Errors: 4.5%

Processed by lx 1.60