Error log: 2. Subregional 2014

Station: OK1AXG
Locator: JO80BJ
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Single
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OK1AXG 59 003 JO80BJ OK7O 59 568
JN69OU Y all but NR -217
OK1AXG 59 033 JO80BJ IQ3LX 59 233 JN65EM NIL Y -610
OK1AXG 59 038 JO80BJ DL0U 59 306
JN59VL Y all but NR -327
OK1AXG 59 066
DF0YY 55
301 JO62GD Y CALL+WWL -317
OK1AXG 59 075 JO80BJ DG0QF (1x)
DG6QF (log)
59 175 JO61OC Y all -220
OK1AXG 59 088 JO80BJ DG6IMR59 251 JO71FU DDUPEY -0
OK1AXG 59 096 JO80BJ DL0US (3x)
DL9US (log)
59 308 JO30WW Y all -585
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 26540
Correct claimed score: 26610
Sum of lost points: -2276
Corrected score: 24334
Errors: 8.6%

Processed by lx 1.60