Error log: Polni den 2007 Station: OK2FUG Locator: JN99GU Band: 432 MHz Categoty: Single | Sent | Received | Correct data | Other | Lost Call | RST NR | RST NR LOC | Call RST NR LOC | error |points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OM8A | 599 52 | 599 135 JN87WV | 145 | | - 224 DL1SUN | 599 57 | 559 36 JO53PN | | NIL | - 648 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum of lost points: - 872 Description of other errors: NIL = Not in the log Claimed score: 21860 Incorrect claimed score and log summary (good=21887) Corrected score: 21015 Errors: 4.0%