Error log: Polni den 2010 Station: OK2BMJ Locator: JN89UE Band: 144 MHz Category: Single | Sent | Received | Correct data | Other | Lost Call | RST NR | RST NR LOC | Call RST NR LOC | error |points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK2OHA | 59 59 | 59 55 JN89SO | | NIL | - 48 OK1ASA | 59 90 | 59 183 JN79RS | JN79SR | | - 176 OK1KAD | 599 167 | 599 292 JO60KI | 92 | | - 371 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum of lost points: - 595 Description of other errors: NIL = Not in the log IRSTS = Invalid SENT RST Claimed score: 45296 Incorrect claimed score and log summary (good=45290) Corrected score: 44695 Errors: 1.3% Checked by lx v1.46