Error log: Polni den 2012

Station: OK2DEY
Locator: JN99EU
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Single
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OK2DEY 59 001 JN99EU OK2 (1x)
59 003 JN99JC bad call -89
OK2DEY 59 013 JN99EU OL3Y 59 069 JN99JJ (1x)
JN69JJ (log)
Y all -60
OK2DEY 59 014 JN99EU OK2PVF 59 074 JN99JJ (1x)
JN99JQ (log)
Y all -60
OK2DEY 59 015 JN99EU OL3C (1x)
OL2C (log)
59 048 JN88JX Y all -151
OK2DEY 59 020 JN99EU DL0GTH 59 215 JO50JP NIL
Y -547
OK2DEY 59 027 JN99EU
OK1KTW 59 074 JN89IW Y all -120
OK2DEY 59 031 JN99EU
YT7W 59 217 KN04OW Y all -587
OK2DEY 59 032 JN99EU HG3Y (1x)
HG3X (log)
59 265 JN96EE Y all -408
59 041 JN99EU OL3Z 59 241 JN79FX Y all -281
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 7421
Correct claimed score: 7456
Sum of lost points: -2303
Corrected score: 5153
Errors: 30.9%

Processed by lx 1.55