Error log: Polni den 2014

Station: OK1KQI
Locator: JO80CH
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OK1KQI 59 049 JO80CH OK6T 59 085 JO80RJ (1x)
JO80BJ (log)
Y all but WWLr -90
OK1KQI 599 075 JO80CH E76DX (1x)
E7DX (log)
599 210 JN84OR Y all but CALL -626
OK1KQI 59 098 JO80CH HG1Z 59 350
JN86KU Y all but NRr -388
OK1KQI 59 106 JO80CH IZ1POA 59 388 JN44ON (2x)
JN44OQ (log)
Y all but WWLr -828
OK1KQI 599 111 JO80CH UV1S 599 306
KN28CG Y all but NRr -623
OK1KQI 59 121 JO80CH DA0ZHQ (1x)
DA0HQ (log)
59 356 JO73CE Y all but CALL -349
OK1KQI 59 126 JO80CH OK1OHK 59 136 JO80EG NIL Y -13
OK1KQI 59 142 JO80CH SP9UOP 59 273 JO90EO (2x)
JO90EA (191x)
CALL no log -157
OK1KQI 599 144 JO80CH OM3KKQ 599 138 JN88SQ NIL
Y -205
OK1KQI 599 145 JO80CH S53V 599 190 JN76GB (3x)
JN76UH (log)
Y all but WWLr -489
OK1KQI 599 150 JO80CH OM3RLA 599 330
JN98LB Y all but NRr -321
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 38044
Correct claimed score: 38039
Sum of lost points: -4089
Corrected score: 33950
Errors: 10.7%

Processed by lx 1.61