Error log: Polní den VKV 2016

Station: OL4A
Locator: JO60RN
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OL4A 59 002 JO60RN OK1UDQ 59 001 JO70JO (1x)
JO70NO (log)
Y all but WWLr -95
OL4A 59 035 JO60RN OK1IEI 59 002 JO70EC NIL
Y -83
OL4A 59 039 JO60RN DG5NFF 59 017 JN59LO (1x)
JN59PT (log)
Y all but WWLr -208
OL4A 59 041 JO60RN DL0SM (2x)
DK0SM (log)
59 012 JO41UW Y all -303
OL4A 59 111 JO60RN DL1IW (1x)
DF7IW (22x)
59 005 JN39TG WWL no log -442
OL4A 59 135 JO60RN OM3RKA 59 033
JN97BW Y all but NRr -448
OL4A 59 173 JO60RN OE3RTB 59 027 JN88TR (1x)
JN88ER (36x)
CALL no log -363
OL4A 59 207 JO60RN OK2KOJ 59 066
JN89EG Y all but NRr -254
OL4A 59 212 JO60RN 9A0YF (2x)
9A2YF (log)
59 052 JN85OO Y all -618
OL4A 59 217 JO60RN DM4JK 59 004
JO62OJ Y all but NRr -205
OL4A 59 220 JO60RN HG8IDZ (1x)
HG6IDZ (127x)
59 048 JN97UT WWL no log -548
OL4A 59 239 JO60RN DL7ULM 59 006 JO62SN (2x)
JO62MS (log)
Y all but WWLr -223
OL4A 59 240 JO60RN OM3RRE 59 064
JN98FX Y all but NRr -400
OL4A 59 254 JO60RN OL1B 59 129 JO80BI (1x)
JO80IB (log)
Y all but WWLr -191
OL4A 59 261 JO60RN OK1KDO 59 001 JN69KJ (1x)
JN69KK (log)
Y all but WWLr -137
OL4A 59 271 JO60RN OK1DUM59 011 JO70OO DDUPE -0
OL4A 59 303 JO60RN YU7C 59 127
JN95SS Y all but NRr -698
OL4A 59 310 JO60RN PI4ADH 59 019 JO23JW (1x)
JO22JW (15x)
CALL no log -699
OL4A 59 320 JO60RN OM2RL 59 033
JN88NR Y all but NRr -334
OL4A 59 337 JO60RN OK1IEI59 008 JO70EC DDUPEY -0
OL4A 59 365 JO60RN HA6PJ (3x)
OM/HA6PJ (log)
59 064 JN98SM Y all but CALL -494
OL4A 59 404 JO60RN YT2BGS 59 047 KN04IQ NIL
Y -849
OL4A 59 410 JO60RN DO5KL 59 002 JO62KP (1x)
JO62PK (2x)
CALL no log -236
OL4A 59 413 JO60RN YT1X 59 017 JN94WG NIL
Y -850
OL4A 59 434 JO60RN HA9OZD/P 59 118
JN87TB Y all but NRr -495
OL4A 59 463 JO60RN OK1PEF (1x)
OK1PFE (40x)
59 011 JO70RB WWL no log -153
OL4A 59 495 JO60RN YT7E 59 297
KN05BT Y all but NRr -723
OL4A 59 544 JO60RN DG4VW 59 004
JO61VB Y all but NRr -61
OL4A 59 569 JO60RN UT5DV 59 099 KN18DO NIL
Y -673
OL4A 59 636 JO60RN DM7N 59 016 JO42DH (1x)
JO42AH (log)
Y all but WWLr -408
OL4A 59 653 JO60RN YU2ECP 59 080 KN04ON (1x)
KN04GL (log)
Y all but WWLr -885
OL4A 59 662 JO60RN DK2YL 59 015
JN39JG Y all but NRr -499
OL4A 59 665 JO60RN OE6V59 254 JN76VT DDUPE -0
OL4A 59 687 JO60RN DL6MK 57 222
JN49CD Y all but NRr -408
OL4A 59 690 JO60RN DL0POLIO 59 001 JN69LO (1x)
JN68LO (13x)
CALL no log -113
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 246537
Correct claimed score: 246478
Sum of lost points: -13096
Corrected score: 233382
Errors: 5.3%

Processed by lx 1.65