Error log: IARU Region I. - UHF/Microwave Contest 2014

Station: OK2KPD
Locator: JO80UB
Band: 432 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OK2KPD 59 001 JO80UB OL7M 59 001
JO80UF (1x)
JO80FG (log)
OK2KPD 59 036 JO80UB OK1KFH 59 035 JN69US (1x)
JN69VN (log)
Y all but WWLr -289
OK2KPD 59 040 JO80UB SQ9ANS 59 007 JO90LU (1x)
JO90LJ (4x)
CALL no log -125
OK2KPD 59 086
JO80UB OK2A 59 517
JO60JJ Y all but NR -352
OK2KPD 599 089 JO80UB DL6IA (2x)
DL6IAK (log)
599 238 JN48IX NIL Y WWL no log -661
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 19059
Correct claimed score: 19113
Sum of lost points: -1446
Corrected score: 17667
Errors: 7.6%

Processed by lx 1.61