Error log: IARU Region I. - UHF/Microvawe Contest 2018

Station: OK2A
Locator: JO60JJ
Band: 432 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OK2A 59 084 JO60JJ DL8MKG 59 005 JO52NU NIL Y -297
OK2A 599 304 JO60JJ DF0MU 599 219 JO32PC NIL
Y -428
OK2A 59 337 JO60JJ DF0MU59 226 JO32PC DDUPEY -0
OK2A 599 343 JO60JJ S57K 148 INVALD DDUPE -0
OK2A 59 358 JO60JJ F5FL 55 032
JN19BT Y all but NRr -763
OK2A 59 380 JO60JJ 9A2EY 59 043
JN75XV Y all but NRr -553
OK2A 59 386
JO60JJ PE1EWR 59 068
JO11SL Y all but NR -659
OK2A 59 400 JO60JJ IK4LFI 59 022
JN54DJ Y all but NRr -694
OK2A 59 450 JO60JJ DL6DCA 59 013 JO31ON (1x)
JO31OM (6x)
CALL no log -412
OK2A 599 477 JO60JJ S57LM 599 007
JN76HD Y all but NRr -492
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 171832
Correct claimed score: 171774
Sum of lost points: -4298
Corrected score: 167476
Errors: 2.5%

Processed by lx 1.65