VHF Contest 2002 Claimed Scores

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Callsign Locator QSO Score Comment
2.OK1FCJN69QB565170450TS2000+PA700W ant. M2 1320mASL
3.OK1DKZJN69GX532166208IC-275H+500W, 17 el. F9FT
4.OK1ESJO70UR55516204110el DL6WU TS570 +100W 1602m
5.OK1MCSJN69JW428129216Ant 2x13el.DL6WU, 60Wout,732mASL
6.OK2PVFJN99JQ3451044504x10el., 150w out, 930m asl
7.OK1FKLJN69LQ3219420713 el. DL6WU, 100W out, 539 m ASL
8.OK1MKQJO70DP4009363713el Yagi TS790 100 W out 660 asl
9.OK1FFGJN89IW348930022x10el, R2CW+200W
10.OK1FCJJN69RA3448950011el YAGI IC 820 250W out 1122asl
11.OK1COMJN79HW36573140Ant 9el.Yagi, 50Wout, 505+5m ASL
12.OK1VVMJO60WR3326756816y 25W 800mASL
13.OK1VVWJO70DB20238902 QTH Praha, cca 70W out, 340m ASL
14.OK1VUPJN79DX10618077IC-706MKIIG,10 el. DL6WU, 50W, 260m asl
15.OK1IGOJO70DP18217213el Yagi TS790 100 W out 660 asl