Error log: 2. Subregional 2009 Station: OK2FUG Locator: JN99GU Band: 432 MHz Category: Single | Sent | Received | Correct data | Other | Lost Call | RST NR | RST NR LOC | Call RST NR LOC | error |points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OM3WAM | 59 13 | 59 5 JN99KL | OM3WAN | | - 49 HA6W | 59 40 | 59 22 KN08FB | 32 | | - 244 OK2M | 599 74 | 559 140 JN69UN | | NIL | - 350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum of lost points: - 643 Description of other errors: NIL = Not in the log Claimed score: 17407 Corrected score: 16764 Errors: 3.7% Checked by lx v1.35