Error log: IARU region I. UHF contest 2007 Station: OK2TKE Locator: JN89JJ Band: 432 MHz Categoty: Single | Sent | Received | Correct data | Other | Lost Call | RST NR | RST NR LOC | Call RST NR LOC | error |points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK2TF | 59 3 | 59 4 JO80OC | 590 | | - 85 OK1OPT | 59 6 | 59 11 JN69NX | | NIL | - 272 DJ2NR | 59 48 | 52 130 JO50VF | 59 | | - 371 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum of lost points: - 728 Description of other errors: NIL = Not in the log Claimed score: 9894 Incorrect claimed score and log summary (good=9904) Corrected score: 9176 Errors: 7.4%